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A technician from Cornerstone Mechanical Services, Inc. conducting a laser alignment on a piece of rotating equipment

Centrifugal & Rotating Machinery – Laser Alignment FAQs

Centrifugal & Rotating Machinery - Laser Alignment FAQs There’s no two ways about it: modern industry requires complex machinery. In your industry, you’re used to relying on high-powered machinery day in and day out, year after year. But as the…

A female machine technician writing notes to learn components of a large industrial machine

Top Causes of Machine Component Failure & How to Prevent It

Top Causes of Machine Component Failure & How to Prevent It The natural world and its physical laws take a toll on everything, including heavy machine components. At this point in the 21st century, even with all of our cutting-edge…

A female machine technician instructs a machine operator for corrective maintenance of an equipment

Corrective Maintenance 101 – What It Is & Why You Need It

Corrective Maintenance 101 - What It Is & Why You Need It You’ve been in industry long enough to know that there’s more than one kind of machine maintenance. Part of operating a business is staying in business, and the…

A technician performing periodic engine maintenance in a landfill gas recovery plant

Up & Running – Top 5 Best Practices for Machine Maintenance

Up & Running - Top 5 Best Practices for Machine Maintenance For industries in Fort Worth and Dallas, TX, machine health and business health are one and the same. You can’t stay up and running consistently and successfully without your…

An industrial machine maintenance worker bends over to inspect a component on a heavy machine

Spring Cleaning, Spring Maintenance – Preventive Maintenance

Spring Cleaning, Spring Maintenance - Preventive Maintenance Summer is coming and the potential for machine failure rises along with the temperature. To keep your machinery up and running smoothly all summer long, schedule preventive maintenance services with Cornerstone Mechanical while…

A technician sitting on the ground with head down seemingly stopping work due to machine failure

The True Cost of Machine Failure – Preventing Work Stoppages

The True Cost of Machine Failure - Preventing Work Stoppages Unfortunately, the indestructible industrial machine hasn’t been invented yet. Across the nation and world, titanic industrial operations rely on the continued working of small (but still critical) machine components to…

Semi-Hermetic Compact Screw Compressor in cut section

Grouting & Commissioning FAQs – Answering Your Questions

Grouting & Commissioning FAQs - Answering Your Questions Heavy machinery usually comes with an equally hefty price tag. But purchasing, installing, and maintaining your machinery all represent significant investments into the continued operation and success of your business.  Heavy machinery…

Mechanic repairman at the factory screws big bolt with large and heavy wrench key

Machine Installation Issues – What Goes Wrong & How to Fix It

Machine Installation Issues - What Goes Wrong & How to Fix It Most of us were told that first impressions are important. The same could be said of heavy machinery installation. A machine’s life starts when it’s installed in your…

Cornerstone attends the 2021 North Texas Facilities Expo

At Cornerstone Mechanical, Inc., we’re always on the lookout for new ways to help in both our industry and our communities. That’s why we were thrilled this year to host a booth at the 2021 North Texas Facilities Expo in…

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